Journalism’s meant to be objective, right? No playing favourites. No taking sides. Just reporting the facts.
Lucky then, I am no journalist.
Being that I am just some guy who listens to music then writes about it, I can make bold claims like “Coridian is’s favourite band” and “Hava is the best release of the year – I’m talking internationally – and the best release from Coridian so far.”
And I ain’t blowing smoke up any orifice. This isn’t just a puff piece.
Do you miss when music was good? Is your taste in music frozen circa 2005? Do you want to relive the days when you thought you were a lot cooler than you were, with that chain dangling off your belt loop? Then have I got a release for you.
Hava is complex, yet accessible. Intricate at times, but also as subtle as a hammer. A body blow when it hits hard, yet at other times it’s a heart-tugging whisper. But most importantly, Coridian sound like all your favourite alt rock bands from the early mid 2000's mashed together. I’m talking, Jakob, Breaking Benjamin, Blindspott, Chevelle, A Perfect Circle, Soen. Familiar, yet equally unique. I mean who puts the cover song – in this case Wicked Game - in the middle of the album, not at the end like some tacked on afterthought?
I made the similar observations when I reviewed Coridian’s Oceanic, the EP that kicked off the elemental cycle of releases that brought us here. I remember being hesitant to mention the comparisons back then, out of fear it would somehow taint the Coridian sound, and I knew they were on to something great. I still used the comparisons as a lazy music allegory any way, but you know... I was hesitant.
Looking back with hindsight, I was obviously deluded in my belief that a review could affect a band’s artistic direction. But I’m glad I was unheard and wrong. Because you know what, music that reminds me of my favourite bands is music I want to hear. Through Hava, I can relive the boganism a successive string of exes semi-successfully manipulated out of me.
Look. If you’re reading this you’re probably either in the band, or you’re already a fan. You know how good Hava is.
If you’ve never heard Coridian though, do it.
If you have heard them, but you’re somehow not a fan yet; listen again, but do it better.
If you’re already a fan, listen again. There are still secrets to unravel. For example, did you know that if you overlay the cover art from the four releases in the element cycle – Oceanic, Caldera, Eldur and Hava – you get a sigil. While spinning the sigil with your left hand, play all four releases simultaneously to create a black hole.
Speaking of black holes, Spotify really has a lot to answer for. By allowing anyone to easily make and stream their own music, we’ve saturated the market to the point that actual talent drowns beneath a sea of dribble. If this was 10 years ago, Hava would be the best-selling album in New Zealand. Real Groovy would be out of stock of the CD. Coridian’s name would be venerated in the same way Blindspott were in that era, by music enthusiast and layperson alike. Coridian would be a household name. Hava would kick off the new era off bogan fashion in a way no Kardasian ever could.
It will take more than one deluded writer to change anyone’s mind. To let them see that this is the best album they will listen to this year. They have to listen and make up their own mind. Then they might see I am right.
Hava will be available from 10 March on Spotify and Bandcamp.
Six out of five stars.